Gut Feelings
Gut Feelings Podcast
'Le Very NOT Boring Chef - Tessa Smith on Food, POTS, Holistic Living & Pregnancy

'Le Very NOT Boring Chef - Tessa Smith on Food, POTS, Holistic Living & Pregnancy

gut feelings, episode 5

‘Le (not-so-bored) Chef is HEREEEE!! I met Tessa online and immediately adored her & and her content. We quickly became friends and I am so honored to have her on today! She is so incredibly dynamic and fun to chat with.

This conversation actually ended up being 2+ hours and could’ve been longer lol. Tessa’s story is incredible, from being in and out of the hospital in surgeries at 30 days old and dealing with chronic illness all throughout school, Tessa has learned to turn all the hardships in her life into positive moments.

She went from being on double-digits of medications to shifting to a holistic lifestyle and accomplishing her goal of getting off of all of them! Her gratitude is truly inspiring, and I feel lucky to know her!

What we chat about:

  • How Tessa went from wanting to be a nurse to a chef

  • Dealing with POTS and chronic illness

  • Finding a holistic lifestyle + getting off all pharmaceuticals

  • Dealing with a medically induced menopause

  • Transition from hormonal birth control and balancing hormones

  • Pregnancy loss and pregnancy after miscarriage

  • Pregnancy misconceptions and tips for pregnancy

  • Natural skin care and hair care routine

& more! We go allll over the place. Honored to get to know Tessa better, we will definitely have a Pt.2 in the future so let me know what you want us to chat about! For now, go support her on all her amazing channels and make her delicious recipes :)



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Gut Feelings
Gut Feelings Podcast
Your blueprint for feeling your best. Holistic health and wellness expert sharing the pillars of health, unique seasonal recipes for a happy gut, and simple tangible tips to feel better and more inspired each and every day