Who is behind ‘Gut Feelings’?

Hey heyyy my name is Ella Henry (aka Glow with Ella). A girl with stomach problems and a passion for food, cooking and holistic living. I dealt with gut issues for years and got no answers before I decided to take my health into my own hands. I went through a holistic health coach certification, functional blood work certification and worked with a natural doctor to figure out how to truly feel better. I learned to heal myself from a root cause approach - and became obsessed with the magic of holistic health and the power of food as medicine. Now I want to give you the resources and empower you to do the same.

I started my page as a place to share how I was healing my gut, recipes that make me feel good (I’ve always loved to cook and would call myself a scrappy chef thanks to my mom) and resources that I wish I had when my health was at its lowest. I am pivoting and trying new things all the time. I started my page as a vegan, and now eat meat and dairy. At one point I created adaptogen bars and sold them across farmers markets in Los Angeles (with this, social media, and my full time job I was NOT sleeping so didn’t end up seeing this through) but it was always a dream of mine to have a stand at the farmers market and I am so glad I did it (I still have feet problems from it to this day though lol). I am a constant work in progress and always open minded to learn new ideals and change my ways. 

Health is more than just food, nutrition and working out. It is joy, stresslessness, community, passion and love. Sometimes it's tequila with a side of chips and guac laughing at a table with your friends. Sometimes it’s 10 interrupted hours of sleep and a lazy couch day. Sometimes it’s putting your feet in the sand and closing your eyes and listening to the ocean. Health comes in all shapes and sizes, and the most important thing you can do to find what you need to live your best life is to tune into your intuition, and listen to your gut feelings.

What will I get when I join?

Free Subscription:

  • Weekly blog, wisdom and updates 

  • Monthly recap and favorites

  • Health and wellness spotlights

  • Monthly recipes 

  • & more occasional good stuff!

Paid Subscription:

  • Everything above PLUS

  • Bi-Monthly Grocery lists

  • Exclusive seasonal recipes 

  • In depth health & wellness guides 

  • Access to special giveaways 

  • Special Discounts

  • & more exclusive content!

WHY ‘Gut Feelings’?

Gut health is a buzzy buzz word. But as Hippocrates said: “all disease begins in the gut”. Your gut is a powerful and complicated system. It is home to over 70% of your immune system. It is where the nutrients in your food get properly absorbed, metabolized and distributed for energy and function. It is where some of your most important neurotransmitters are produced: including 95% of your serotonin. Your gut is directly connected to your brain (some people call the gut the second brain). This explains why when you are nervous you get “butterflies” in your stomach, and why gut issues can cause mood and behavioral problems. It is also why “gut feelings” and your gut intuition, is real. 

I believe a lot of us are disconnected from our bodies and our minds. We do things just going through the motions and forget the reason behind WHY we are doing what we do. Sometimes that may look like setting an early alarm, looking at the phone first thing, making a cup of coffee and then rushing out to work for the day - waking up with stress and ending the day with exhaustion dreading the morning where it has to be done all over again. Living for the weekend to drink and forget until Monday morning. I’ve been here. This is no way to live! Reconnection with intention and tuning into your body, your mind, your gut feelings, is the number one step to healing and living a better life.

Join the Family <3

This is a place where you become inspired to live the life you deserve. We’re all about balance and having fun. Educating and learning but not taking everything so seriously. Remember - health isn’t health when it becomes something that stresses you out and leads to obsession. You don’t need to do everything I say (please don’t) this is not an echo chamber. We are each unique and that’s what makes us so special. Gut Feelings is a place where to share ideas and pick what works for you and leave what doesn’t. You will find exclusive access to special seasonal recipes, weekly wisdoms, blogs, weekly favorites and updates, health and wellness spotlights, special events, grocery lists, in depth guides and more! So excited to continue building and growing this incredible special community. LET’S GLOW <3

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Your blueprint for feeling your best. Holistic health and wellness expert sharing the pillars of health, unique seasonal recipes for a happy gut, and simple tangible tips to feel better and more inspired each and every day


Your blueprint for feeling your best. Holistic health and wellness expert sharing the pillars of health, unique seasonal recipes for a happy gut, and simple tangible tips to feel better and more inspired each and every day