Jun 21Liked by Ella Henry

Loved this post! Daily gratitude is so important and substantially improves the trajectory of my day when I practice it. Today I practiced gratitude by thanking my mom for all she does for me and my family. While I often say thank you in passing, I decided to write her a hand-written note about just how grateful I am to have her in my life. I don't think there can ever be enough gratitude.

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Jun 20Liked by Ella Henry

Love this ❤️ I think I recognize that dock 😉

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Jun 20Liked by Ella Henry

Wonderfully written, Ella! I too am a hustler and grinder at heart and am sometimes productivity obsessed. Slowing down, resting, relaxing, and grounding have been my top intentions for the year and I am practicing them more and more. Gratitude has changed my life, and I can pinpoint so many examples in my life that have shifted my perspective from one that complains to one that appreciates. Every time I think about complaining about the price of groceries, I think of how different it could be. I GET to pick out any healthy nourishing food I want to fuel and provide for my body.

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I find whenever I start writing in my journal, I always tend to go into a tangent about how grateful I am. Wonderfully written!

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Jun 20Liked by Ella Henry

I’d love to share my little gratitude practice. My favorite part of the day is my neighborhood nature walks. My neighbors have the most beautiful gardens in their front lawns with native California plants. Sometimes one home will play piano and I love to stop and listen for a minute. I’m hoping to find a new creative outlet and may take some time to slow down and draw my own oracle deck inspired by the flowers I see every day 🥰 it’s jasmine season and the blooms smell incredible

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I try to spend a few minutes being grateful everyday, but I’m not sure that practice really permeates beyond that space. Will try to incorporate these ideas!

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Gratitude focus is so life changing. We often overlook all the wonderful gifts right in front of us and when we do it is freeing.🕊️♥️

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Jun 19Liked by Ella Henry

It is funny how information enters your life at the right time, and this did just that. When I first reviewed the challenge for the week, I went to "Ugh, I have more things to add to my already busy schedule." But I changed the narrative to "I can't wait and get to add these into my schedule." Number four on the list will be the most challenging for me but I will continue to practice a positive narrative. Sometimes the negative thoughts can take over but thank you for the reminder to live each day with gratitude and kindness

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Jun 19Liked by Ella Henry

I love this so much! I really want to start focusing on gratitude more. Our minds are wired to worry and focus on what is wrong but we have the ability to strengthen our gratitude muscle and highlight what is good. Something I want to work on is when I find myself going down a spiral of all the worst case scenarios, pausing and also saying to myself what are the possible best case scenarios? There’s nothing we can do to control our external world but we can always change our perspective!!🌞🌻

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I love that idea!!! I need to start doing that as well :) Allowing my mind the opportunity to be open to all the possible positives versus just the negatives. Thank you for sharing that! Also, was so happy to read everyone's posts - through a random generator you have won the prize!! If you could send me a private message with your full name, mailing address & email or phone number that would be wonderful xx

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