Loved this post so much. I am dealing with hormonal acne right now after going off the pill in December and I am definitely taking away LESS = MORE. I want to be kinder to myself and accept that maybe my acne is just my body trying to tell me something & not punishing me💕

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The timing of this post, wow! I had a salpingectomy in April, gave myself six weeks to heal, and told myself I would finish this pack of birth control pills and then see what happens. I’m due to take my last pill TONIGHT! I appreciate all the detail you put into this post and am especially glad that you made it available to free subscribers. I signed up for a paid subscription as soon as I finished reading. Thank you!

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Out of curiosity, which IUD did you have? I loved my Paraguard (non hormonal) but it was not without faults.

Regardless, such a helpful post — Different scenario but looking to balance my hormones postpartum and this is a great place to start!

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I would love to hear your pros/cons about the paraguard. im considering switching to it from the pill and dont have many people close who can speak to it!

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I had no cons! I loved it — truly set it and forget it, no hormonal ups and downs. TMI I did have heavier bleeding during my period, and after about 5 yrs I got an infection (minor) that required taking it out to heal. My OB now said there’s a class action lawsuit against it now tho as women have had serious complications (you can Google)

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